Forest Nation
Gift ideas and features for forward-thinking companies who want to build better relationships with their team and customers Trusted by 500+ companies and 10,000+ people. Impact of over 2 Million Trees planted! ForestNation is a social business, and we combine commercial, social, and environmental goals equally. We know you have missions to fulfill for your company or organization. When you work with us, you can work towards your goals while reforesting the earth and creating sustainable livelihoods – all at the same time. As organizations, we are lucky to have resonant voices. We believe in using those voices to do good for our world. You Plant We Plant: We create customized tree kits for your company or organization to plant. We plant matching trees in areas negatively impacted by deforestation and industrial agriculture. Our efforts are focused on reforesting our earth and creating sustainable livelihoods for our global brothers and sisters.