JCS Hi-Torque Hose Clamps vs Nut and Bolt Hose Clamp
The Mandrel Test
The mandrel test measures how much input torque a hose clamp can handle. In this test, the nut and bolt hose clamp can withstand a higher input force, although the JCS clamp broke well over its recommended working torque. This is a much higher torque than any installer we've produced using normal tools to fit the clamp.Â
The Grip Test
The grip test measures how efficient a hose clamp is at turning input torque into clamping force. Using two semi-circle mandrels, the clamping force is calculated by measuring how much the mandrels are squeezed together by each clamp. The JCS hose clamp provided a much higher clamping force than the nut and bolt.
The Pressure Test
The pressure test shows how well a clamp seals on a hose. The hose is pushed on to a solid, smooth mandrel and fluid is pumped under pressure into the hose, between the two clamps. Both clamps were fitted at their working torque, 15 Nm for the hi-torque and 20Nm for nut and bolt. The results proved that JCS hi-torque hose clamps are stronger and more durable than the standard nut and bolt as the nut and bolt clamp failed and leaked at 8 bar whereas the hi-torque achieved a pressure of 21 bar. The test was forced to be concluded as the hose failed at 21 bar, with no sign of leakage.
The suspected reason for the nut and bolt clamps failure is as follows. When fitted, there is a large gap either side of the bridge under the nut and bolt, allowing for fluid to leak past. On the contrary, the hi-torque has much smaller gaps and supplies a much higher clamping force, as discovered in earlier tests, allowing it to withstand a much higher pressure.
Type Approved for Marine and Offshore use
All JCS hi-torque clamps are Lloyds registered and type approved for marine and offshore use and are the only clamps with specific approval for use on wet Diesel exhaust systems.
Benefits of JCS Hi-Torque Clamps
Stockholding costs and space can be considerably reduced as JCS Hi-Torque clamps feature a 30mm adjustment range, compared to the small 3-5mm adjustment range of a nut and bolt clamp, making them considerably cheaper than the bigger but less effective nut and bolt clamps, especially on larger diameter applications.
All Hi-Torque clamps use band material with a fully rounded edge, offering the best protection from cutting and damaging the hose.
Although the nut and bolt clamps look stronger, JCS Hi-Torque clamps offer a higher clamping force, greater hose sealing ability at high pressures, reduced stocking costs, competitive pricing, unrivalled hose protection and Lloyds registered type approval.