James Short
James graduated with a degree in engineering before becoming interested in additive manufacturing technologies. He now works with design teams, engineers and technical staff across EMEA to assist them in developing their additive manufacturing know-how and roll out of the technology across multiple departments. He has a close working relationship with many companies and is essential in helping develop applications and overcome technical hurdles to allow companies to better leverage additive technologies, all the way from optimising designs, to producing customisable tooling, jigs and fixtures for the factory floor, to getting production parts made for end-use.
His experience of traditional vs additive manufacturing processes has given him a great insight in to using the right process for applications, how to identify opportunities for additive, and when to step back and use traditional processes. He has become adept at spotting potential applications by spending hours walking manufacturing and factory floors with customers large and small across Europe.
05-Jun-2024Design & Innovation TheatreReshaping Success: Navigating Supply Chain Challenges through Reshoring Strategies